Attaributes are deal with mostly images and links to other web sites. as well alt attribute in case images don't work. I have already put many images in this web site so to see how they work you can us inspect tool or look in the code it self.
an image can be write like this (img src="url")
you can also add alt in to the image as well to add text in case the image dosen't load
links are write like (a href ="url") then put home you world like to name it.
you can use a style to change color with a:link or a: visited or visited sits as well
as a:hover to change the color while the mouse is over the link
forms and inputs go hand to hand as they are seen in lots of different layouts but the most common is the username/email and password with usally a submit button as well. form acts collects the data while the input is where the user input the data. from there it is stored somewhere else usually in a searver or in JavaScipt.
Table are another thing that are commonly used as wellshow not only rows of information as well row spans to make certain row biggers
Serial | name | Phone | |
1.4 | Jases | 403.6 | 6023 |
4.5 | Alex | 703 4051 |